Photo of Dory Kurowski


Dory Kurowski was an investor relations and communications director for various pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in her past life. During this time, she was also, and continues to be, a longstanding member of many conscience-driven organizations, mostly focused on animal advocacy and land preservation. After the defining events in her life, she entered a more aggressive path towards sustainability. Frustrated with the many alternatives available that were not being widely used, and on a quest to revamp her own lifestyle, she became a resource to others for specific product alternatives. She shares her knowledge to make it easy for others to lead a conscience-driven lifestyle by offering brand-to-brand comparisons so that the average person can have alternative product choices to commonly purchased products. Though her family never quite understood why she would always be scrutinizing so many products at once, now the experience garnered from her compulsiveness will hopefully be the gain of others! Dory’s site, My Conscience, My Choice, connects mindful consumers with conscience-driven brands on a weekly basis. It is the first of its kind resource for finding the best eco-friendly, cruelty-free and all-natural product alternatives to commonly purchased products. Weekly brand-to-brand comparisons are independently chosen by Dory and feature conscience-driven brands as specific product substitutes. The site connects a community of mindful consumers who aspire to lead conscience-driven lifestyles with pioneering brands. Ultimately, the most powerful way to utilize her recommendations will be in a mobile app, which is currently under development.

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