Photo of Laura Klein


It was a decade ago that Laura Klein, co-founder/Editor-in-Chief of Organic Authority and owner of EcoSalon, was in culinary school looking at the comparison between organic and conventional food. She posed a simple question: “Why is organic food superior in flavor and quality?” Her paradigm shift started right then. Today, Klein investigates America’s burgeoning food crisis and ways to combat it via her online magazine about delicious food and healthy living with organic recipes, articles, how-to primers, cooking videos and more. “One of the simplest ways people can improve the quality of their health is just to upgrade the quality of their food,” Klein explains. “It doesn’t have to be expensive [and] it can be really easy. You’ll actually find that you feel better, your energy will increase and you’ll start to really get to know your food.” Visit the Organic Authority website. Laura Klein appeared on Green is Good on November 25, 2013. Listen to her 2009 show appearance here.

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