Photo of Ezra Garrett


As Chief Sustainability Officer of Pacific Gas and Electric, Ezra Garrett carefully calculates ways the utilities provider can save its customers both economically and environmentally. Currently, PG&E’s water-conservation and energy-efficiency programs save Californians 1.3 billion gallons of water annually. Add that to a five-year plan to reduce the water used in PG&E’s buildings by 20%, and it means significant water retention for drought-strapped California.

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“Five years ago, corporate sustainability meant a focus on environmental issues relating to the way a company operates its business,” Garrett says. “The way that we define it now really spans the entirety of our efforts to provide safe, reliable, affordable service to our customers. It’s a focus on delivering our basic services, but doing that in a way that adds value to the communities that we serve and creates economic opportunities for our customers.”
