Photo of Tomas Halberstad


Have you ever felt guilty about upgrading to a new cell phone and the environmental implications it causes? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Phonebloks started as a simple idea: create a modular mobile phone and, in turn, reduce electronic waste. Now, Editor-in-Chief Tomas Halberstad and the rest of the Phonebloks team are trying to influence and positively change the electronics industry. By creating a strong enough viral following, could an upgradable phone kept for generations become a reality? “Mobile phones are one of the quickest-growing waste streams, because we buy so many and so often,” Halberstad explains. “The simple goal is to get a modular phone made. We want it to be developed open in a sustainable way. The dream is to not only make a phone for the entire world that is worth keeping, but also one that is recyclable [and] biodegradable.”

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