Photo of Rachelle Strauss (”Mrs. Green”)


Rachelle Strauss is an award-winning zero waste consultant and founder of the annual awareness campaign, Zero Waste Week.

She works with forward-thinking businesses and organizations who want to reduce their impact on the planet- but don’t know how- implement a successful strategy to preserve resources, stop wasting money and improve their triple bottom line.

Through talks, workshops, pop up clinics, online courses and consulting, Rachelle and her team help people recognize and understand the importance and benefits of reducing waste, so they are inspired to take action.

Everything they offer is designed to engage, excite, educate and empower.

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  • November 18, 2020

    Small Changes Can Make an Impact with Rachelle Strauss

    Rachelle Strauss is an award-winning zero waste consultant and founder of the annual awareness campaign, Zero Waste Week. She works with forward-thinking businesses and organizations who want to reduce their impact on the planet but don’t know how to implement a successful strategy to preserve resources, stop wasting money, and improve their triple bottom line. […]

  • September 17, 2010

    Discussing the Zero-Waste Lifestyle with My Zero Waste’s Rachelle Strauss

    After reading an article about the effects of plastics on marine life, Rachelle Strauss and her husband were compelled to start, a U.K.-based site that encourages its readers to make small changes in their day-to-day lives, using less resources along the way. This year, the Strauss family dedicated themselves to a zero-waste year — […]