Photo of Renee Morin


As Chief Sustainability Officer at eBay, Renée Morin leads the development and execution of eBay’s environmental, social and governance programs including circular commerce and renewable energy and chairs eBay’s senior leadership ESG Council. She is responsible for managing stakeholder relationships with key environmental NGO partners and oversees sustainability reporting, ratings and rankings.

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  • June 20, 2023

    Making Sustainability Accessible through Recommerce with eBay’s Renee Morin

    As Chief Sustainability Officer at eBay, Renée Morin leads the development and execution of eBay’s environmental, social and governance programs including circular commerce and renewable energy and chairs eBay’s senior leadership ESG Council. She is responsible for managing stakeholder relationships with key environmental NGO partners and oversees sustainability reporting, ratings and rankings. eBay’s website: Recommerce […]