Lauren Gropper’s past work in the green-building world paired her with clients that were often asking about more sustainable food and drink wares. Stumped on a well-priced, functional, truly sustainable solution, she set out to do it herself, creating Repurpose Compostables. Now, Gropper’s mission is to convince consumers of the importance of switching from petroleum-based products to compostable plant-based solutions.
“Why should we use oil for a product that we use for 10 minutes?” Gropper asks. “Why should be using a toxic material in our products that we drink from? Plant-based products are totally nontoxic and there is no waste. Repurpose is here to provide that solution.”
Visit the Repurpose Compostables website.
Lauren Gropper originally appeared on Green is Good on September 14, 2013.
September 18, 2013
Lauren Gropper was stumped on a well-priced, functional, truly sustainable food and drink ware solution, she set out to do it herself, creating Repurpose Compostables.