Photo of Sally Taylor


Sally Taylor is a veteran executive in the predictive analytics and decision management space, with over 30 years of experience shaping, managing and delivering products that directly improve business operations. Seen in Forbes, CNBC, New York Times, USA Today and more, she is a trusted subject matter expert and sought after thought leader in predictive analytics and decision science, specifically lending decisions. A dedicated champion of women leaders, Sally is a long-standing sponsor of Women at FICO and a member of Advancing Women Executives.

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  • September 6, 2022

    Boosting Financial Literacy with Sally Taylor

    Sally Taylor is a veteran executive in the predictive analytics and decision management space, with over 30 years of experience shaping, managing and delivering products that directly improve business operations. Seen in Forbes, CNBC, New York Times, USA Today and more, she is a trusted subject matter expert and sought after thought leader in predictive […]