Photo of Shon Anderson


Shon Anderson is the Vice President of Energy Solutions Sales at Schneider Electric. The company services large, energy-hungry companies and facilities like college campuses and hospitals in more than 110 countries — covering a total of nearly 110,000 employees. Schneider Electric’s goal is to find efficient ways to utilize electricity better. More than 51% of all electricity is wasted, and Schneider is changing that stat to reflect a more effective grid. Now the company is turning its focus to the University of North Texas in Denton. “We’re taking [UNT’s] infrastructure into the next phase of energy efficiency and sustainability,” Anderson says of Schneider Electric’s work on the 36,000-student campus. “We’ve done this all around the world — North Carolina State University, Los Angeles Community College, the Coast Guard, the General Services Administration, the federal government and commercial office buildings. We’re trying to touch our customers’ office buildings and make them better.”

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