Photo of Sephir Hamilton


Mr. Sephir Hamilton has been the Chief of Staff for Seattle City Light since joining on April 15, 2013. Mr. Hamilton oversees government relations, legal affairs, communications and external affairs of Seattle City Light. He joined the utility from Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp. in Poughkeepsie, New York. At Central Hudson Gas and Electric, Mr. Hamilton served as Director of Operational Excellence in charge of a company-wide continuous improvement effort that produced millions of dollars in operational efficiencies over two years. He also analyzed and invested in wind, biomass, solar, combined heat and power (CHP) and landfill gas energy projects for Central Hudson as an Engineer and Investment Officer. Mr. Hamilton started his career with Arthur D. Little in Cambridge, Mass., where he worked on energy- efficiency standards for the U.S. Department of Energy. Mr. Hamilton holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Cornell University, a Master of Science degree in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from Clarkson University.

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