Photo of Shannon Schuyler


Shannon is PwC’s US Chief Purpose & Inclusion Officer – a role that brings together unique insights and perspectives from her prior roles as Chief Purpose Officer and Responsible Business Leader to the Chief Diversity Officer role. Her role also includes oversight of this same function in PwC’s Mexico and Asia Pacific America territories, as well as our Acceleration Centers, spanning eight geographic locations. 

Shannon’s work activates PwC’s purpose to build trust in society and solve important problems and to create a fulfilling employee experience. 

Responsible for furthering diversity, inclusion and equity across the firm’s workforce, she connects purpose with belonging to create an environment in the firm that celebrates identity and intersectionality as a way to drive innovation and business value.

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Outside PwC’s walls, Shannon brings a focus to the role PwC plays in our communities. With corporate responsibility as a foundation, she leads a team to harness the power of our business and to provide opportunities for partners and staff to use their skills to respond to systemic challenges that have created disparities across society.  

One of the biggest societal challenges Shannon is charged with addressing is the racial injustice burdening diverse communities. Tapping her expertise advancing a diverse workforce and using business to solve societal problems, Shannon worked alongside US Chair and Senior Partner Tim Ryan to lead CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™, the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion. In this role, she drove the strategy for engaging more than 2,400 company CEOs, academic institutions and associations.

Shannon has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, WSJ, Axios, DiversityInc, Huffington Post and more. She was included on Insider’s list of 100 People Transforming Business in 2021, named a 2019 World Changing Woman in Conscious Business by Conscious Company Media, and was included on Fast Company’s list of the 100 Most Creative Business in 2016. Shannon is on the Board of JA Global and MAKERS@ and lives in Chicago with her husband and son.
