Photo of Dave Pasin


Mr. Pasin founded InTech Environmental Canada Corp in 2004 to compete and distribute green, benzene-free, solvents for the parts-washing business. In 2010, InTech developed its own eco-friendly, green solvents for parts washing. In 2011, at the request of a customer, InTech began development of a VOC exempt replacement for Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), which took over 2.5 years to develop. The groundbreaking research and development led Mr. Pasin and his team to also develop safe, effective, VOC-exempt alternatives for xylene, toluene, acetone and styrene. Mr. Pasin has been instrumental in the design of new groundbreaking green solvents that are rapidly becoming the standard across many industries. Prior to InTech, Mr. Pasin was President of a progressive paint, coating and wood treatment product manufacturing company for many years. While operating his paint manufacturing company Mr. Pasin recognized the need for improved technologies that improved safety for workers and end users and lessened environmental impact. Mr. Pasin is very active in his community and is involved in many community and service organizations such as Lions International. How did you first get involved in the green industry? Since the late 1980s, I have strived to be at the forefront of developing green technologies and was instrumental in the development and commercialization of green paints and coatings. I recognized that if we were serious about cleaning up our planet we all had a part to play in ensuring safer technologies be developed that improve our planet. What interests you most about being green? To me, it’s very important that we provide an environment that is better than we found it. We have an obligation to our ancestors and our children to create an industrial society that is responsible in its use of its people and natural resources. It is incumbent upon those in industry to foster the creation of new technologies that not only make society better, but make the use of natural resources safer and more efficient. What is your biggest “green” pet peeve? In a word, “greenwashing,” and companies that claim to be green but really aren’t! I find it distressing that as a consumer-based society it is increasingly common to see marketing efforts that downplay or mislead consumers into thinking products are “green” or safe. This leads to distrust of real green products and curtails confidence in effective environmentally friendly technologies. What green trend is most exciting to you or your industry? Perhaps the most exciting development in manufacturing right now is the increasing acceptance of real green alternative solvents. Companies are increasingly realizing it is good business to provide safe products to their customers and make good profits doing so.

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