Photo of Scott Wicker


With nearly 100,000 ground vehicles globally, and operating as the ninth largest airline in the world, UPS has an expansive fleet that is both logistically incredible and, as it turns out, increasingly green. Scott Wicker, UPS’ Chief Sustainability Officer, is on a mission to make both the ground and air fleets more efficient and environmentally friendly. UPS views its fleet as a “rolling laboratory” to test out the latest energy-saving technologies, alternative fuels and logistical eco-improvements.

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“When we look at sustainability, it’s not something that we’re trying to bulk onto the organization,” Wicker explains. “It may sound a little cliché, but it truly is who we are and what we do. We’ve been around since 1907; making ourselves more efficient is one way we can bring more value to our customers, and we have been working on it for many years.”
