Photo of Dr. Robert Kavlock


Dr. Robert Kavlock has played an integral role in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s computational toxicology program, highlighting new innovations in and creating a better understanding of molecular biology and computer science. Today, Dr. Kavlock sits as the Head of the National Center for Toxicology, which was established in 2005. Dr. Kavlock works on a program called ToxCast, which aims to forecast toxicity of some 9,900 chemicals we use all around the world on a daily basis. The harsh reality: So much is still unknown about how chemicals interact with our environment and personal well being. “There is a huge information gap in terms of what would we like to know about chemicals versus what we do know about chemicals,” Dr. Kavlock says. “When we started ToxCast we had basically a blank wall and said, ‘What can we do to start to change that situation?'”

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