Photo of Mattias Wallander


Mattias Wallander has been the CEO of USAgain since 2000. From the company’s inception in 1999, USAgain has expanded into a nationwide network of over 14,000 clothing recycling sites in 19 states. Prior to his role at USAgain, Mr. Wallander spent 10 years working on environmental and humanitarian projects in Southern Africa and Central America, seeing first hand the global need for good and affordable used clothing. Mr. Wallander recognizes the environmental significance of reducing textile waste not least for the global warming impact of textiles. His goal is to elevate textile recycling to the level of glass, paper and plastic, and to eventually achieve zero textile waste. With his team at USAgain, Mr. Wallander is currently developing solutions for increasing textile diversion from 15% to 75% through increased consumer convenience and accessibility. He has spoken on the topics of textile recycling and sustainability at numerous conferences and seminars including the Illinois Recycling Association, the California Resource Recovery Association, the Association of Recyclers in Wisconsin, the Georgia Recycling Coalition and the International City/County Management Association.

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