Photo of Brad Buscher


A banker, former owner of a multibank holding company, and current owner of a merchant bank that focuses on the inorganic chemistry industry, Brad J Buscher is the founder, Chairman and CEO of VaporLok Technology, LLC, a company that develops, manufactures and sells packaging solutions used for the recycling of mercury-bearing products and wastes, with a focus on fluorescent lighting. VaporLok’s current patented packaging technology, Mercury VaporLok®, is an integral component of Waste Management’s lamp recycling program called LampTracker®. Mr. Buscher started LampTracker and grew it to become the nation’s largest mail-back fluorescent lighting recycling program before he sold it to Waste Management. VaporLok was the core technology of LampTracker, which Mr. Buscher kept and has just completed the development of a new patented breakthrough adsorbent technology called VaporLokCAPTUREâ„¢. This breakthrough technology is unique because it protects users against dangerously high mercury vapor levels resulting from incidental exposure during the accumulation, storage and transportation of lamps. Over the last 15 years, Mr. Buscher has become a known expert and advocate for the need for proper tracking, packaging and disposal of hazardous products and wastes. Mr. Buscher has served on the EPA’s Commodity Grade Mercury Stakeholder Panel and has provided expert testimony on topics including mercury as a priority heavy metal in the Chemical Infrastructure Protection Act, and to the Department of Energy and Homeland Security.

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