Photo of David Abel


David Abel is a husband (47 years), father of a son in Denver, grandfather of two (Nora and Andrew) & both a Pittsburgh Steeler and LA Dodger’s fan; and, long ago obtained educational degrees in economics, educational administration and law. He has yet to formally retire and continues to professionally work across industry sectors—including land use, transportation, water, infrastructure, communications, ocean-tech and renewable energy. David’s roles include entrepreneur, investor, publisher, professor, convener, and president of his own public policy consultancy, ABL Inc. Over the past decade, David has leveraged his interests in public policy and sustainability to create the VerdeXchange Institute <>—an environmental think tank, publisher, and host to an annual B2B market-oriented clean tech and energy conference that assists global private/ public market-makers in building successful business relationships that address climate change.

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Civically, David presently serves on several boards, including: Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation; the Urban Land Institute- LA; USC’s Center for Sustainability Solutions, and St. Annes’ New Village Girls Academy. Mr. Abel formerly served on the corporate board of SuperShuttle International; chaired CalStart (Advanced Transportation Incubator), LAUSD’s School Bond Oversight Committee, and California’s Trust for Public Lands’ Advisory Board. By appointment he also chaired the California Assembly Speaker’s Blue Ribbon Commission to Consider Reforms of California’s Initiative Process & the Commissi7n on State/Local Government Finance Reform.
