Photo of Verena Radulovic


Verena Radulovic is a product manager for the ENERGY STAR program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she leads the process for strengthening energy efficiency specifications for TVs, computer monitors and other consumer electronics with the ENERGY STAR label. She has been with EPA since 2004, where she has primarily worked with industry to find ways to develop more environmentally sustainable products, reduce corporations’ carbon footprints, and improve sustainability throughout their global supply chains. She has led EPA’s engagement with small businesses to measure and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, has worked with large manufacturers and big box retailers to develop programs for consumers to recycle their electronics, and has provided technical input to standards that were created to differentiate environmentally preferable products in the electronics, textiles, and furniture sectors. She says the best part about her job is engaging with, and learning from, businesses that are truly integrating environmental sustainability into their core practices and then leveraging their successes to encourage other companies to follow suite.

Prior to joining the EPA, she worked at the Environmental Law Institute, a not-for-profit organization, on integrating pollution prevention measures into global mining operations through working with multinational mining corporations and large lending institutions that finance such efforts.

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Radulovic received her bachelor’s degree in political science from Indiana University, and holds a masters degree in international development and environmental policy from the London School of Economics.
