Photo of Randy Bishop


Randy Bishop and his business parter always wanted to work at a business where “do good and do well” applies. His venture, Los Angeles-based Verengo Solar, takes full advantage of LA’s enviable weather patterns by providing its customers reliable, efficient solar energy. Bishop estimates an after-tax savings of 10% to 15% annually, so it is easy to see why Verengo is experiencing rapid growth. Today, Verengo is the largest residential solar company in the U.S. “The cost of solar — the cost of financing and materials — keeps coming down all the time, and the cost of electricity keeps going up,” Bishop explains. “As electricity goes up and solar gets cheaper, we see this incredible market. Last year, the whole industry grew 70%. There are over 100,000 solar jobs in America now.” Visit the Verengo Solar website. Randy Bishop originally appeared on Green is Good on September 14, 2013.

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