Photo of Joanne Spigonardo


Joanne Spigonardo has been with The Wharton Initiative of Global Environmental Leadership (IGEL) since 2008. At IGEL Joanne leads efforts for business development, overseeing conferences, school-wide events, program management and sponsorship outreach. She advises students regarding curriculum choices and student symposiums. She reviews research proposals and grant opportunities. Joanne is responsible for overall initiative operations.
Joanne was a part of the Communications Office of The Wharton School for 9 years. She held positions as business manager of the Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists, Wharton Alumni Magazine, and served as the media relations coordinator. Prior to Penn, she worked as a sales representative for Alitalia Airlines. She is fluent in Italian and knowledgeable about Italian history and culture. Joanne graduated from The University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Italian. She also graduated from the Wharton Aresty Institute of Executive Education with a certificate in HR Management. As a Wharton Mentor in the school’s former Connections Program, she coached new employees on professional development. Joanne is active in Penn’s Alumni Network, she often assists with questions a potential applicant may have about Penn. Joanne also served on Wharton’s training committee. She is active in HR-related projects. As a parent of two Penn graduates, she is a strong advocate in promoting Penn. Joanne is a member of the Penfield Civic Association, Sustainable Life Media, Order Sons of Italy and the Public Relations Society of America. Joanne has been on the Board of Governors of the University Club since 2006. Joanne was nominated for a University of Pennsylvania Models of Excellence Award for her contributions to IGEL and Wharton in 2012.

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