Photo of Xavier Roussel


Xavier Roussel, the Chief Marketing and Sustainability Officer at Dole Food Company, has worked in fresh produce most of his career and joined Dole 25 years ago. He has held various positions in Europe from product manager to general manager before moving to marketing in 2008 and sustainability in 2014. He is currently Chief Marketing and Sustainability Officer at Dole plc further to its merger with Total Produce in 2021, with a focus on strengthening the Dole brand equity while defining a path for Dole to operate more sustainably and delivering on the company’s commitment to do the right thing.

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  • March 5, 2024

    Committing to Doing the Right Thing with Xavier Roussel of Dole

    Xavier Roussel, the Chief Marketing and Sustainability Officer at Dole Food Company, has worked in fresh produce most of his career and joined Dole 25 years ago. He has held various positions in Europe from product manager to general manager before moving to marketing in 2008 and sustainability in 2014. He is currently Chief Marketing […]