Photo of Yaron Dycian


Yaron Dycian is chief product and strategy officer for WINT, a groundbreaking company that produces artificial intelligence-powered leak detection and water conservation devices. WINT serves some of the world’s largest organizations including technology, construction and real estate businesses.


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WINT is passionate about helping the world conserve one of its most precious resources, and the company is dedicated to helping businesses prevent the hazards, costs and waste associated with water leaks. Utilizing the power of artificial intelligence, the convenience of high-speed cellular data connections and smart shut-off valves, Water Intelligence units provide an all-in-one solution for commercial facilities and construction projects looking to eliminate the fear of water-leak disasters and ongoing water waste. For more information, please visit


  • January 11, 2022

    Water Intelligence with Yaron Dycian

    Yaron Dycian is chief product and strategy officer for WINT, a groundbreaking company that produces artificial intelligence-powered leak detection and water conservation devices. WINT serves some of the world’s largest organizations including technology, construction and real estate businesses. John Shegerian: This edition of the Impact Podcast is brought to you by ERI. ERI has a […]