Photo of Yogesh Chauhan


Yogesh Chauhan was appointed Director of ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) at HubSpot in February 2022. His brief is to develop a new and impactful ESG strategy covering all HubSpot’s operations. He oversees a range of environmental, community engagement, reporting, innovation and thought leadership initiatives designed to embed sustainability and responsible business across the company. Prior to HubSpot, Yogesh Chauhan was Director of Corporate Sustainability at Tata Consultancy Services for nine years. He was also the BBC’s Chief Adviser on Corporate Responsibility and Environment and worked for the corporation for 12 years. Yogesh was educated at the London School of Economics, is married with two teenage daughters and enjoys cycling, current affairs and long country walks.

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  • April 18, 2023

    Pioneering Companywide ESG Achievements with HubSpot’s Yogesh Chauhan

    Yogesh Chauhan was appointed Director of ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) at HubSpot in February 2022. His brief is to develop a new and impactful ESG strategy covering all HubSpot’s operations. He oversees a range of environmental, community engagement, reporting, innovation and thought leadership initiatives designed to embed sustainability and responsible business across the company. […]