Revoutionizing the Green Industry with IGIHOF’s Sam Geil

January 7, 2011

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Sam Geil is an ecopreneur with many titles: President of Geil Enterprises, co-founder of Amaze and founder and Chairman of the Board of the International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF). Between the janitorial services of Geil Enterprises and the green cleaning power of Amaze products, Geil found ways to revolutionize the green industry for years. But it wasn’t until Geil realized that there was no formal recognition for green-minded businesses that he came up with the solution: creating IGIHOF in 2007. Now, after three years of inaugural growth, the hall will hold its first induction ceremony in March 2011 in California. “One thing I’ve learned [in the process of developing green business] is getting out of my comfort zone for the good of everybody, not just my own greed,” Geil explains. “The greater the reach, the greater the sacrifice, effort and energy it takes.”

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