Photo of Wendy Gordon


  • February 10, 2012

    NRDC’s Wendy Gordon

    Wendy Gordon, head of the NRDC’s green-living sites, returns to “Green is Good” to discuss the role transportation within the world’s cities plays in conservation. It’s no secret that gas in the U.S. is hovering around $4/gallon, so now is the time to investigate how best to move around while lessening oil demand and saving money. The […]

  • April 15, 2011

    Discussing Sustainable Urban Transportation with NRDC’s Wendy Gordon

    Wendy Gordon, head of the NRDC’s green-living sites, returns to “Green is Good” to discuss the role transportation within the world’s cities plays in conservation. It’s no secret that gas in the U.S. is hovering around $4/gallon, so now is the time to investigate how best to move around while lessening oil demand and saving […]

  • May 14, 2010

    Cutting Down on Food Waste with Simple Steps’ Wendy Gordon

    Wendy Gordon, editor of and an executive at the NRDC, comes to “Green is Good” to discuss food waste. Surprisingly, the average family of four throws out 122 pounds of edible food per month — that’s 13% of our solid waste, or 30 million tons per year! The food chain encompasses everyone — from […]