Photo of Scott Weislow


As Best Buy’s Director of Environmental Sustainability, Scott Weislow oversees the retailer’s ongoing efforts to lessen its and its products’ environmental impact. One major innovation at Best Buy is the companywide electronics recycling program, which is second to none among national retailers. Every store features a recycling kiosk for quick drop-off of ink and toner cartridges, rechargeable batteries, wires, cords, cables, bags, gift cards and more. But, Best Buy goes far beyond the small items, offering in-store recycling collection on nearly everything it sells. “It’s very important for [Best Buy] to maintain environmental standards and to ensure that those products don’t wind up in landfills or get sent to undeveloped countries where they can be broken down in undesirable ways,” Weislow says. “We recycle approximately 409 pounds of electronics for every minute that our stores are open.”

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