Photo of Mathy Stanislaus


Mr. Stanislaus is the Interim Director of the Global Battery Alliance (World Economic Forum), which consists of senior leaders from companies, NGOs and governments pursuing a vision that by 2030 the GHG emissions of the transport and power is reduced 30%, eliminating human rights abuses – in particular child labor in cobalt sourcing– and closing the clean energy access gap,  while creating additional jobs and economic value. 

Mr. Stanislaus served as a senior political official for the Obama Administration at the USEPA after his nomination by President Barack Obama and confirmation by the U.S. Senate.   In that role, he led land restoration, materials management, chemical plant safety and emergency response programs.  He represented the United States at the G-7 negotiations to establish public-private partnership to advance resource efficiency and sustainable materials management in the supply chain as a strategy to address climate change.

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Mr. Stanislaus is a Chemical Engineer and Environmental Lawyer.  He has more than 15 years’ experience institutionalizing solutions that advance sustainability by integrating environmental, economic and social outcomes in the private, government and not-for-profits sectors.
