Photo of Jaime Bronstein


Jaime Bronstein is a relationship therapist, coach and host of “Love Talk Live” on LA Talk Radio. She was named the “#1 Relationship Coach Transforming Lives in 2020” by YahooFinance. For the past 20 years, Jaime has guided people from around the world as they navigate the peaks and troughs of dating and relationships.

On her website and in her in-person and video conferencing sessions, Jaime teaches her clients how to heal their past, love themselves unconditionally, how to be vulnerable, tap into their inner strengths and intuition, and live more authentically to achieve their relationship goals. Jaime is highly sought-after to share her relationship advice on various media outlets such as KTLA, ABC, NBC and CBS News, PEOPLE, Thrive Global, and Bustle.

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Jaime empowers her clients to become aware of the fact that they were born to have love in their lives – not just any love –the right love for them. Her book on manifesting love is currently in the works. Jaime has a BA in psychology from Boston University, a master’s degree in social work from New York University and a certificate in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica; enabling her to help her clients change their perspective; seeing each challenge in life as an opportunity to evolve as an individual.

Jaime is fulfilling her mission of creating a positive impact while changing lives throughout the world.


  • December 30, 2020

    Manifesting Love with Jaime Bronstein

    Jaime Bronstein is a relationship therapist, coach and host of “Love Talk Live” on LA Talk Radio. She was named the “#1 Relationship Coach Transforming Lives in 2020” by YahooFinance. For the past 20 years, Jaime has guided people from around the world as they navigate the peaks and troughs of dating and relationships. John […]