Photo of Nathan Havey


Nathan Havey founded Thrive Consulting Group in 2012 to help for-purpose businesses grow through effective communication, eventually creating a new business as usual that is consistent with human thriving.

Businesses that pursue a purpose beyond profit, create value for all stakeholders, and insist on leadership that creates a culture of care and caring and safety rather than control and fear outperform their peers by wide margins. The Thrive team helps businesses identify opportunities for improvement in this framework, and raise the bar to achieve next-level results where they matter most.

In his role at Thrive, Nathan has worked with a wide variety of clients including Biggby Coffee, The International Ecotourism Society, The National Farm to School Network, and Conscious Company Magazine, for which he serve as chairman of the board. Nathan is an active member of the American Sustainable Business Council, and a participant in the Conscious Capitalism movement.

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Nathan is a sought-after speaker on business purpose, and communications, and his presentations receive enthusiastic feedback from audiences across industries.

Prior to Thrive, Nathan worked as a congressional aide in Washington D.C., did PR for an independent film studio in Los Angeles, and managed accounts for a social media consulting firm in Boston.

Nathan holds degrees in both Theatre and Political Science from the University of Northern Colorado, and a Master in Public Policy from the George Washington University.
