Genesis Water Technologies’ Nick Nicholas

Central Florida-based Genesis Water Technologies is the leading manufacturer and wholesale distributor for innovative water solutions in the U.S. Nick Nicholas, Genesis’ Technical Sales Manager, has helped facilitate the company’s growth to offices on three continents by teaching the importance of advancing technologies in water filtration, water treatment, reverse osmosis and greywater and backwater treatment, desalination systems […]

Creative Technologist Gabriella Levine

Gabriella Levine’s interests in technology intersecting with art, environmentalism and never-ending creativity have fueled her building of hardware kits or robots that explore the environment and collect data, all in an effort to better interact with our surroundings. Levine mixed her physical computing talents with a passion for biological motion in hardware in collaboration with Protei on […]

Monsanto’s Michael Doane

Iconic agricultural company Monsanto has sustainability in its DNA. Michael Doane, the company’s Vice President of Sustainable Agricultural Policy, identifies the three key sustainability factors that the company prioritizes: meeting the growing demand for food, doing that in a way that conserves the underlying resource base (water and land) and producing more while conserving more and improving […]