Greening America’s Schools with Green Community Schools’ Jayni Chase

Jayni Chase, an environmental education ambassador, has spent the past 22 years greening America’s schools after being inspired by the birth of her first child. “Instead of trying to change the way people were doing things in their homes, I thought the best thing is to start with the kids — go to our schools,” […]

Spurring Green Business Development with Agrion’s Jennifer Jackson

Agrion Community Manager Jennifer Jackson visits “Green is Good” to discuss the brand’s global business network in the fields of clean technology, sustainable development and energy. Agrion provides the platform for entrepreneurs and companies to connect and spur business development. Created in 2006 by a group of entrepreneurs and international leaders, Agrion started in Paris […]

Studying the San Joaquin Valley’s Potential with 100,000 Green Jobs’ Dr. Shawn Kantor

Dr. Shawn Kantor, professor of economics at University of California – Merced and storied author, recently published a study on the San Joaquin Valley’s potential for 100,000 clean, renewable-energy jobs. Dr. Kantor investigated current projects that have been approved by the state and projects in the approval pipeline and calculated the number of jobs needed […]

Creating Road Maps for Green Homes and Businesses with Green Irene’s P.J. Stafford and Rosamaria Caballero

Ecopreneurs P.J. Stafford and Rosamaria Caballero founded in 2007. The pair were attempting to give their own home a green makeover when the light bulb went off — why not help others green their homes? Just a few years after launching, Green Irene is already the largest green consulting firm in the country — […]

Growing Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems with Albert Straus of Straus Family Creamery

Albert Straus, President of the famous Straus Family Creamery, names responsible land use and environmental stewardship as two causes close to his heart. Beyond extensive steps to certify the farm organic, Straus is committed to using 40-50% recycled glass bottles, achieving six to eight use cycles for each. The family business began in 1941, and […]

Greening Northern NJ with Meadowlands Commission’s Debbie Lawlor

Debbie Lawlor, New Jersey Meadowlands Commission Chief Sustainability Officer, helps to control the zoning and planning of the Meadowlands region of northern New Jersey, less than 10 miles west of New York City. Lawlor’s background is in sustainable regional planning. In 2006, she helped to implement green-building guidelines with incentivized zoning. “The Meadowlands likes to […]

Training and Advising Green Business in France with Entreprendre Vert’s Frédéric Benhaim

Frédéric Benhaim, a self-proclaimed “eco-nerd,” speaks to John and Mike from Paris. Benhaim co-founded the nonprofit company Entreprendre Vert, a 250-member green entrepreneur organization. “[When I was young,] I saw this green business movement start to pick up,” Benhaim recalls. “When we started out in 2005, I was 22, and I was really passionate in […]