Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.
September 2, 2013
Jed Goldberg, President of Earth Day Canada, has helped facilitate the awareness and involvement about this important day throughout Canada.
August 30, 2013
Global Fresh Foods uses a fuel-cell technology that preserves freshness and allows for slower shipping via sea freight — slowed to anywhere from 15 to 50 days without sacrificing quality.
August 30, 2013
Since 2006, Wegner and his peers have worked to identify all the ways the society can lessen its carbon footprint.
August 28, 2013
The Global Adaptation Institute aims to help lift people out of poverty, reduce health risks and increase access to energy in the poorest countries.
August 26, 2013
Sarah Sternberg's travels sparked the idea to create a contemporary jewelry and accessory design line using only locally sourced materials from Rwanda.
August 23, 2013
The free online service has created a social network of sorts for those looking for everything from regular commutes to one-time cross-country adventures.
August 23, 2013
The company is projecting a record year in 2013 with $126 million (or more) in revenue as customers have learned to trust the brand as their go-to junk hauler.
August 21, 2013
A career that began as a corporate sustainability writer transformed Bill Baue into one of the foremost corporate sustainability architects in the world.
August 19, 2013
Howell says sustainability found him in 1998, when the City of Mesa, AZ, approached Park&Co to create the "Water: Use It Wisely" campaign.
August 16, 2013
Antos helps hospitals, healthcare systems and other organizations elevate their organizational performance by reducing their carbon footprint.
August 16, 2013
Today, both first-world countries and developing nations are looking to harness metrics, methods, tools and best practices to host data efficiently.
August 14, 2013
Green America works with small businesses to identify what they need in terms of an economic action plan to grow in an environmentally responsible way.