Previous Shows

Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.

March 11, 2011

Tackling ‘Toxic Trade’ with Basel Action Network’s Jim Puckett

Jim Puckett is the Executive Director and founder of the Basel Action Network (BAN). Puckett has spent most of his working life in “toxic trade,” including 22 years at Greenpeace. Puckett has long been aware and concerned with the grimiest of toxic trade methods: Third World dumping. In 2002, following a trip to China, BAN […]

March 11, 2011

Preeventing Improper Disposal of Medical Waste with Sharps Compliance’s David Tusa

David Tusa is the President and Chief Executive Officer at Sharps Compliance, Inc., a company that prevents the improper disposal of medical waste and unused medications. Surprisingly, outside of the hospital and healthcare setting, there is little legislation in place to regulate disposal methods of these materials. Yet Sharps has honed in on this sector […]

March 9, 2011

Dissecting Climate Legislation Issues with E2’s Dr. Bob Epstein

California Proposition 23, the "Global Warming Act of 2006," was defeated this past year. "Yes" voters were hoping to create new jobs within the state, while "no" voters feared dirtier air statewide and a hindrance on the state's clean energy industry.

March 7, 2011

Living the Greenest Possible Lifestyle with Author Margaret Hyde

Margaret Hyde is not only an eco-author, but also an eco-homeowner in Southern California. Her home became the first LEED Platinum-certified remodel in the U.S.

February 25, 2011

Making Informed Green Choices with ‘Planet Home’ Author Jeffrey Hollender

Jeffrey Hollender returns to “Green is Good” to discuss his latest book, Planet Home, and explain the challenges the earth will face ahead. He feels that now is the time that everyone must ramp up efforts to conserve and reuse — from teachers and children, to politicians and business leaders. Though Hollender says that consumers, […]

February 25, 2011

Creating a Voice for Earth-Friendly Business with ASBC’s David Levine

David Levine, co-founder and Executive Director of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), was a visionary from the council’s conceptualization in 2009 as a voice for earth-friendly businesses in the realms of public policy and media. The council started with six member organizations, and in less than two years has ballooned to 28 organizations representing […]

February 23, 2011

Creating Eco-Friendly Charcoal with Green Hearts Briquettes’ Alexandre Soler-My

Green Hearts' briquettes are 100% natural and carbon neutral — each is made with certified planted eucalyptus trees in an eco-friendly factory using minimal energy and resources, producing very little pollution.

February 21, 2011

Uncovering Past Civilizations with Ancient Tomorrow’s JJ Yosh

Yosh is the host of the upcoming TV adventure series 'Ancient Tomorrow.' During an expedition to Bolivia, Yosh got into the history of ancient sites and exploration of natural habitats.

February 16, 2011

Greening Nonprofits with Connect the Dots’ Maikhanh Nguyen

Connect the Dots' efforts focus on reducing the amount of energy, water and waste that these organizations create.

February 14, 2011

Eating Raw and Healthy with Eco-Chef Bryan Au

Au coined the term "Eco Green Cuisine" because all of his recipes are raw and organic — there is no heating, no pollution and no chemicals. It is simply tasty, healthy food.

February 9, 2011

Creating Eco-Awareness Campuswide with UNT’s Dr. Todd Spinks

Dr. Spinks brings extensive environmental experience to UNT, including working for the EPA in Dallas-Ft. Worth on climate change effects and awareness.

February 7, 2011

Utilizing Electricity More Efficiently with Schneider Electric’s Shon Anderson

More than 51% of all electricity is wasted, and Schneider is changing that stat to reflect a more effective grid. Now the company is turning its focus to the University of North Texas.