Previous Shows

Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.

May 16, 2009

Promoting Green Behavior in the Media with Environmental Media Association’s Debbie Levin

John and Mike speak with Debbie Levin, President of the Environmental Media Association (EMA), about how her organization puts environmental messages into TV shows and movies. Though also working on other programs and initiatives, the EMA’s goal is to have the media promote green behavior, almost like “product placement for the environment.” Listen in as […]

May 10, 2009

Spearheading a Green Movement with City of Fresno’s Joseph Oldham

Joseph Oldham, today’s featured guest, is the interim Sustainability Manager for the City of Fresno. Oldham is also the Chairman of the Fresno Green Team and spearheaded Fresno’s “three-can system,” where residents received two recycling containers along with their regular trash can. This movement, together with many others, has made the city of Fresno the […]

May 3, 2009

Preserving the Natural Wonders of California with Keep California Beautiful’s Christine Flowers-Ewing

This episode focuses on California, the leading state for promoting green and sustainability issues. John and Mike interview Christine Flowers-Ewing, the Executive Director of Keep California Beautiful, a volunteer-based organization dedicated to preserving the natural wonders of California through education, effort and enforcement. With initiatives such as the upcoming reusable bag campaign, Flowers-Ewing’s organization hopes […]

April 25, 2009

Helping Businesses Save Green by Going Green with Eco-Entrepreur Bob Epstein

John and Mike speak with Bob Epstein, a leading entrepreneur in the world of environment preservation. Bob is the co-founder of five companies: Sybase, New Resource Bank, GetActive Software, Zight and Britton-Lee. He is also a co-founder of Environmental Entrepreneurs, which, as he puts it, is the “independent business voice for the environment.” Listen in […]

April 18, 2009

Discussing Better Air Quality in the San Joaquin Valley with Coalition for Clean Air’s Nidia Bautista

In the first episode of “Green is Good,” John and co-host Mike Brady speak with Nidia Bautista, Policy Director at the Coalition for Clean Air, about the air quality in California’s epicenter of agriculture, the San Joaquin Valley, and efforts that are in the works to improve air quality and the quality of life, both […]