Nestlé Waters’ Kim Jeffery

When Nestlé Waters of America President and CEO Kim Jeffery started at the company three decades ago, the bottled water industry generated about $250 million per year. These days, it generates approximately $11 billion annually. As bottled beverages’ popularity increased in a society increasingly on the go, sustainability quickly became an issue. That has not […]

Global Green USA’s Matt Petersen

The devastation from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 inspired Global Green USA President and CEO Matt Petersen to take any action he could to assist those that lost everything. Since then, his organization has helped rebuild countless homes, green New Orleans schools and “adopt a neighborhood” while creating incredibly energy-efficient low-income housing. But Global Green USA’s […]’s David Greenberg

If you have ever moved, you know the hassles of changing your address for every service and listing on which your name appears. David Greenberg, a former lawyer, decided the process was simply too time consuming and unnecessarily difficult — something needed to change. The objective of is to consolidate what fills up mailboxes […]