Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.
March 9, 2016
Eric Sapirstein addresses the priority to provide for reliable and safe water supplies in an environment of changing hydrologic conditions.
March 2, 2016
Wastewater treatment takes a lot of energy. GE can tap into the energy potential of wastewater to transform treatment plants from large energy consumers to zero energy consumers. Tune in to learn how!
February 24, 2016
TÃœV Rheinland is an expert in global compliance, with a revenue of $1.5 billion and more than 13,300 employees globally. TÃœV Rheinland are proud of their position as the world leader in independent testing and assessment services, with the goal to maintain this position for a long time to come.
February 17, 2016
When one piece of a phone breaks, we typically have to replace the whole unit. This is not only an expensive task but it contributes to the fastest growing solid waste. Tapani Jokinen from PuzzlePhone, may have figured out a solution to both problems. Tune in to learn more!
February 10, 2016
Learn about the cost to properly handle electronic waste in Latin America, and Paulo Bergamo dos Santos' fiscal proposal to make it work.
January 27, 2016
CEO (Chief Effortless Officer) Steve Hall, talks about driversselect and conscious capitalism.
January 20, 2016
School for CEO’s? Check out the ‘Hero’s Journey’ with Rand Stagen, from Stagen Leadership Academy.
January 18, 2016
Today's guests are Nathan Havey, Founder of Thrive Consulting Group and Meghan Dunbar French, Co-Founder of Conscious Company Magazine. Join us as we learn about the Sum & Substance tour and how to create fulfillment and purpose in our life through our work.
January 6, 2016
Gail Warrior teaches us about the importance of balancing work and life, in this new episode of Green Is Good.
January 4, 2016
Check out Chad Houser from Café Momentum, and learn how they have transformed the lives of at risk youth.
December 21, 2015
Henry Charrabé, from RWL Water, explains how water is not priced accurately. Tune in to learn more!
December 18, 2015
President and Chief Executive Office at GE Power & Water, Heiner Markhoff, explains just how GE is advancing new water technology.