Previous Shows

Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.

October 5, 2015

Going ‘Green’ for a New Generation with Turning Green’s Erin Schrode

Millenials have 'green' in their DNA. How can they be helped in choosing an eco-lifestyle?

October 2, 2015

Using Engagement, Pledging & Restoration to Solve Environmental Challenges with BEF’s Val Fishman

BEF helps major companies and stakeholders to solve complex environmental challenges through the use of practical solutions.

October 2, 2015

Winning the ‘Green Race’ with Canada’s Best Racing Team’s Joey McColm

Canada's Best Racing Team is inspiring fans of all ages to embrace sustainability through programs and initiatives such as Eco-Driving and more.

October 1, 2015

Formula E: Global Electric Racing with Andretti Autosport’s Hector Scarano

The race to sustainability is never-ending, but global electric racing is closing the distance.

September 30, 2015

Creating a Sustainable Food Experience on Game Day with Levy Restaurants’ Jennifer Cox

When feeding 18,000 sports fans, how do you make the process as sustainable and locally focused as possible?

September 29, 2015

The Distributed Energy Revolution with UGE’s Ryan Gilchrist

How UGE is inspiring sustainable energy adoption through business implementation of solar and wind energies.

September 28, 2015

Wrapping Up the Green Sports Alliance Summit 2015 with Green Sports Alliance’s Dr. Allen Hershkowitz

The Green Sports Alliance partners with athletes, leagues and more to promote sustainability, reduce food waste and make the world greener.

September 25, 2015

Tracking the Food Recovery Challenge with U.S. EPA’s Julie Schilf

Waste not, want not. How is the U.S. EPA working to cut down on food waste from homes all the way up to arenas?

September 24, 2015

Looking Forward with TriplePundit’s Nick Aster

What's next for popular sustainability and business blog TriplePundit? What are the trends its founder is seeing?

September 24, 2015

Sharing the Abundance with Rock & Wrap it Up’s Syd Mandelbaum & David Acaro

Rock and Wrap It Up partners with musicians, sports teams and schools to make sure food finds hungry mouths and never goes to waste.