Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.
May 21, 2014
General Motors' "Green" educational program is an industry leader in spreading environmental awareness.
May 19, 2014
Anna's Potions and Lotions' Debbie Miller describes how she got started sourcing and creating high-quality, all-natural personal care products.
May 16, 2014
A simple model of giving 1% of sales every year to environmental causes is catching on across the globe.
May 14, 2014
Antioch University New England's Michael Simpson examines how climate change is affecting the world's weather events.
May 12, 2014
Procter & Gamble's ultimate goal: to have zero consumer and manufacturing waste going to landfills.
May 9, 2014
PG&E's five-year plan to reduce the water used in its buildings by 20% means significant water retention for drought-strapped California.
May 7, 2014
Inspired by his wife's veganism, Adam Sobel created a stand at his local farmer's market that progressed into his vegan food truck, the Cinnamon Snail, in 2010.
May 5, 2014
Scott Miller details the environmental friendliness of parchment paper, a recyclable product that has been used in cooking for generations.
May 2, 2014
Citrix's online work platform is transforming and greening the way companies delegate work to their employees.
April 30, 2014
GOBIE h2o offers the world’s first fully compostable filter in a reusable water bottle.
April 28, 2014
GreenBox NY's flagship product is the GreenBox Pizza Box — a multifunctional box that’s made from 100% recycled material.
April 25, 2014
Raised in the scrap trade, Adam Minter ended up on assignment in one of the world's most wasteful countries, and has since dedicated his life to the endeavor.