Previous Shows

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January 20, 2012

Discussing the Benefits of Recycling Metals with Alcoa’s Gregory Wittbecker

Gregory Wittbecker, Director of Primary Aluminum Analysis and Recycling at Alcoa, describes the benefits of recycling metals. “In the U.S. right now, we’re recycling about 54% of all the cans that are consumed,” Wittbecker reveals. This number is comparable to most Western European companies, but so much more can be done. Aluminum, which takes a […]

January 13, 2012

Discussing the “Toxic Trade” of Recycled Electronics with Basel Action Network’s Jim Puckett

Jim Puckett is the Executive Director and founder of the Basel Action Network (BAN). Puckett has spent most of his working life in “toxic trade,” including 22 years at Greenpeace. Puckett has long been aware and concerned with the grimiest of toxic trade methods: Third World dumping. In 2002, following a trip to China, BAN […]

January 13, 2012

Sustainable Disposal Methods in Healthcare with Sharps Compliance’s David Tusa

David Tusa is the President and Chief Executive Officer at Sharps Compliance, Inc., a company that prevents the improper disposal of medical waste and unused medications. Surprisingly, outside of the hospital and healthcare setting, there is little legislation in place to regulate disposal methods of these materials. Yet Sharps has honed in on this sector […]

January 6, 2012

Motivating Ourselves to Conserve and Reuse with ‘Planet Home’ Author Jeffrey Hollender

Jeffrey Hollender returns to “Green is Good” to discuss his latest book, Planet Home, and explain the challenges the earth will face ahead. He feels that now is the time that everyone must ramp up efforts to conserve and reuse — from teachers and children, to politicians and business leaders. Though Hollender says that consumers, in […]

January 6, 2012

Connecting Sustainable Businesses with ASBC’s David Levine

David Levine, co-founder and Executive Director of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), was a visionary from the council’s conceptualization in 2009 as a voice for earth-friendly businesses in the realms of public policy and media. The council started with six member organizations, and in less than two years has ballooned to 28 organizations representing […]

December 30, 2011

Getting to Know the “Father of the Juicing Age” with Jay Kordich

Listening to Jay Kordich on “Green is Good,” it’s hard to believe he is more than two decades past retirement age. A lifelong athlete, Kordich pioneered the juicing craze that has gained popularity in America over the past 60 years. Even as a collegiate playing football for various Navy squads, Kordich would pack fruits and […]

November 16, 2011

Greening the Trash Business with Glad’s Cheryl Hagedorn

Glad's newest campaign, "Glad to Waste Less," helps to teach consumers how easily small changes can really add up.

November 9, 2011

Conserving by Buying in Bulk with Bulk is Green Council’s Clint Landis

The Bulk is Green Council's mission is to educate consumers about the environmental benefits of buying foods in bulk.

November 7, 2011

Offering Community Recycling Solutions with Eco-Cycle’s Dan Matsch

Eco-Cycle's CHaRM facility offers a recycling solution to community members in the affluent Rocky Mountain town of Boulder, CO.

October 26, 2011

Designing Infinitely Useful Products with Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute’s Bridgett Luther

The institute gives manufacturers the opportunity to study the entire environmental impact of their products, from creation, to production, useful life and obsolescence.

October 24, 2011

Thinking from an Environmental Standpoint Companywide with Nestlé Waters’ Kim Jeffery

As bottled beverages' popularity increased in a society increasingly on the go, sustainability quickly became an issue at Nestlé Waters. That has not since wavered.