Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.
May 14, 2010
Wendy Gordon, editor of and an executive at the NRDC, comes to “Green is Good” to discuss food waste. Surprisingly, the average family of four throws out 122 pounds of edible food per month — that’s 13% of our solid waste, or 30 million tons per year! The food chain encompasses everyone — from […]
May 14, 2010
On the second half of the show, John and Mike chat with Jim Keefe, Publisher of Recycling Today magazine. Keefe says recycling is so easy that everyone can do it — the most important thing to keep in mind is remembering that recycling makes future consumer goods, saving the consumer money without compromising quality. “If […]
May 7, 2010
Charisse McAuliffe, founder and CEO of, returns to “Green is Good” as the show’s first-ever repeat guest.’s tagline is “Find the green in everything… locally,” and the site has become the go-to spot to find localized green-living solutions. The site features the largest green directory in the United States, making it easier than […]
May 7, 2010
In this show, Denise Hamler of Green America Today talks to John and Mike about greening America, city by city. “There are so many ways for us to use the power of our dollar to really make change,” Hamler says. “The whole idea of Green America is to give people those economic strategies and tools […]
April 30, 2010
“Green is Good” welcomes Marci Zaroff, founder and CEO of FASE (Fashion Art Soul and Earth), a green fashion company based out of Florida. “I’ve always been a fashion consumer,” Zaroff reveals. After a decade of working in the organic health and beauty field, she discovered the missing link. “It dawned on me that you […]
April 30, 2010
In this show, John and Mike talk with Betsy Blaisdell, Senior Manager of Environmental Stewardship at Timberland. Timberland, which operates in more than 20 countries all over the world, has long engaged in improving environmental standards in its operations and manufacturing. “[Timberland] has this great outdoor culture, because we’re in the outdoor industry,” Blaisdell says […]
April 23, 2010
“Green is Good” welcomes Glenn Croston, author of 75 Green Businesses and Starting Up Green. Croston, whose interest in green businesses started simply with hopes of creating a better world for his children and future generations, is here to say that it is not very hard to start up a green business. Croston looks forward […]
April 23, 2010
In this show, John and Mike welcome Barton Alexander from Molson Coors. Alexander, Global Vice President of Alcohol Policy and Corporate Responsibility for the company, proudly states that Molson Coors has long had the makings of a green pioneer. The basis of Coors and Molson products is the astoundingly pure water. Molson Coors signed the […]
April 16, 2010
Ismail Oyekan, who has a long history in the electronic waste industry, founded the International Electronics Recycling Conference and Expo after realizing there was no ceiling to the industry’s potential. The conference and expo brings people together from all over the world to see the importance of recycling and reuse. “I realized there weren’t too […]
April 16, 2010
In this show, John and Mike welcome Chris Ingham Brooke, CEO and Founder of Brooke, who is just 22 years old, came up with the concept in 2006 upon realizing that the green space was sorely lacking in social networking and blogging outlets. Environmental Graffiti enables any user to visit the site, contribute content […]
April 9, 2010
Eric Bjorling of Trek Bikes tells John and Mike about his company’s commitment to changing the world. Trek has long been known as one of the premier bike manufacturers in the U.S., but its recent focus on eco-friendly and utilitarian biking has brought a whole new level of attention to the brand. “Cycling is a […]
April 9, 2010
Later in the show, Gregory Wittbecker, Director of Primary Aluminum Analysis and Recycling at Alcoa, describes the benefits of recycling metals. “In the U.S. right now, we’re recycling about 54% of all the cans that are consumed,” Wittbecker reveals. This number is comparable to most Western European companies, but so much more can be done. […]