Impact with John Shegerian produces new episodes every week. Visit regularly to explore our archive of past conversations below.
June 5, 2013
The City of Chicago's Department of Fleet and Facility Management aims to conserve across a network of more than 12,000 vehicles.
June 3, 2013
As Adam Pearson's studies at Stanford Univeristy and interests in environmentalism picked up, he founded Green Grid Radio, recorded on the campus' radio station.
May 31, 2013
Joshua Katcher believes the future is in synthetic and organic fibers, with absolutely no compromise on style or quality.
May 29, 2013
Climate Earth helps companies create the infrastructure necessary to successfully manage and monitor their environmental impact.
May 27, 2013
The Local Food and Wine blog has spanned the globe, covering the world's great winemaking regions, and the climate issues they face.
May 24, 2013
Ben & Jerry's is regularly lauded for its commitment to transparency in its business practices and its food.
May 22, 2013
Leitman's professional life has seen him focus on green transit, indoor air quality programs, green-building tax credits and a now series of green-minded books.
May 20, 2013
As recently as a year ago, The Ohio State University was working toward putting together an Environment, Economy, Development & Sustainability Program for undergraduates. Tasked with finding a Director for this new major, the university looked to Dr. Neil Drobny, a longtime green business consultant and professor in the school’s Fisher College of Business. Now, Dr. Drobny is […]
May 20, 2013
Dr. Neil Drobny is guiding young college students when examining sustainability options for their future careers.
May 17, 2013
The NWF urges everyone to spend May in their gardens with an ecological lens. Consider what your garden provides for local wildlife and how it can be bettered to thrive in its natural environment.
May 15, 2013
The Venice, CA-based gallery is committed to showcasing environmentally focused photography.
May 13, 2013
The organization provides plants and the necessary education to make them thrive and attract native birds and butterflies.